Tyler Rabin

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Can't lose fat? Here are 5 reasons that might be hindering your progress

The scale and weight loss

Do you ever step on the scale after the weekend, eagerly hoping for a positive change, only to be disappointed by the result staring back at you?

Despite all your hard work throughout the week, it seems like the results you deserve are eluding you.

However, it's vital to remember that the number on the scale might not reveal the whole truth. Perhaps, one reason you aren't witnessing the desired outcomes is that your efforts haven't been as "good" as you initially believed.

Yet, it's essential to consider that the scale merely offers a snapshot of our weight at that specific moment.

It fails to depict the intricate tapestry of factors at play, including glycogen storage, water weight fluctuations, inflammation, hormonal variations, and even the impact of digestion. Therefore, the number on the scale doesn't account for the slow and steady progress happening within us.

Things that can easily have your weight up the next day could be from a hard workout the day before, a little more sodium at dinner, or even eating slightly later than usual can all be reasons why the scale hasn’t moved or even went up.

This is why you don’t ever want to immediately jump ship when the scale isn’t reflecting your hard work. Taking progress pictures and body measurements are key because the scale won’t show body recomposition happening.

If you gain 2lbs of muscle and lose 1lb of fat, you will see an increase on the scale even when you look leaner.

It’s important that you’re not just basing changes off the scale but rather paying attention to pictures, measurements, energy, how clothes fit, and performance. By focusing on multiple indicators of progress, you can get a more accurate understanding of your body's changes over time.

Remember, weight alone is not always a true reflection of your health and fitness journey.

So give yourself credit for all the hard work you're putting in, and don't let the scale discourage you. Stay consistent and keep an eye on the bigger picture. Your body will thank you for it in the long run.

Keep in mind progress also isn’t linear, which means that it doesn't always follow a straight path. While it's possible to lose 1-2lbs a week, it's important to realize that this rate of weight loss may not be realistic or consistent every week.

It's crucial to look at averages over time to truly assess your progress. This is why weighing yourself daily is essential, as it helps you track any fluctuations or changes in your weight.

However, it's important to understand that these fluctuations could be due to various factors, such as gaining 1lb of muscle one week and then not seeing any changes in fat or water weight for the next three weeks.

Therefore, it is vital to not solely rely on the scale as a measurement tool. Instead, focus on a holistic approach that considers other aspects of your journey towards better health.

With all this in mind, let's delve into some of the hidden inconsistencies that might be unknowingly sabotaging your desired results.

Issue number 1: Week vs Weekend eating

How often do you find yourself hopping on a diet plan and diligently following it from Monday to Friday afternoon, feeling proud of your commitment and discipline?

It's all too common to believe that after being "so good" all week, you deserve to indulge in some drinks and food over the weekend. The idea is that you can just hop back on your plan come Monday, that elusive day when we often convince ourselves that we will start fresh and make healthier choices.

Well, my friend, it seems that your weekend indulgences might be wreaking more havoc on your progress than you realize. I know, I know, you've been diligently following your clean eating plan, sticking to a calorie deficit, and watching those pounds drop off during the week. But here's the thing - those weekends, those precious two days of relaxation and fun, could be undoing all that hard work.

Let's break it down, shall we?

Picture this scenario: you're out with friends, ready for a night of laughter, good conversation, and tasty treats. You start off with a margarita, just one little drink to kick things off.

Sounds innocent enough, right?

Well, that seemingly harmless cocktail could easily set you back anywhere between 200 to 300 calories. And let's be honest, the chances of you stopping at just one are slim to none.

But wait, there's more.

As the evening progresses, you decide to order some chips and guacamole to satisfy those pre-dinner cravings.

Nothing wrong with that, right?


That humble plate of chips and guac could easily pack a whopping 740 calories. Suddenly, those nibbles don't seem so innocent anymore.

Now, let's move on to the main event - your mouth-watering steak fajita. It arrives sizzling on a hot plate, tantalizing your taste buds.

You pile on all the delicious extras that come with it - the onions, the peppers, the mouthwatering sauces. Little do you know, that seemingly harmless fajita is stealthily adding up the calories.

Before you know it, you're staring at a plate containing a staggering 1500 calories or more.

So, when we add up the numbers, we're looking at a minimum of 2540 calories, and that's just from one meal alone.

I mean, that doesn't even take into account what you've eaten earlier in the day. It's a sobering realization, isn't it?

Now, before you start feeling too down about this, remember that knowledge is power. Armed with this newfound awareness, you have the ability to make better choices.

Sure, indulging on the weekend is perfectly fine, but being mindful of those calorie bombs can make all the difference.

So next time you find yourself faced with that tempting margarita or a pile of chips, pause for a moment. Consider if it's truly worth derailing all your hard work from the week.

And if you do decide to indulge, do it consciously and in moderation. After all, it's all about finding that balance between enjoying life's pleasures and staying on track towards your goals.

After a night of eating and drinking out, you may not sleep well and feel tired the next day. This can affect your food choices and make it harder to stick to healthy habits.

On weekends, you might want to go out with friends and have more drinks and food, which can be a downfall. If you had too much alcohol the night before and feel bad the next day, you might crave unhealthy foods and not have the energy to cook.

You might end up ordering takeout and spending the day on the couch instead of being active.

You see how this can get messy and where you might not be seeing progress?

Leaving the weekend to just be a free for all can diminish your hard work from the whole week leaving you confused and angry that you’re not getting anywhere with your results.  

It’s easy to end up eating in a calorie surplus from these few days that destroys are calorie deficit from the week.

Those weekend meals tend to be pretty carb and fat heavy, and low in protein.

Best way to really know how consistent you’re being is track your progress.

So taking a calendar and actually marking out each day you were following your plan and the days where you didn’t.

Then you can see the averages of the weeks and months to really know how on target you have been. You would be looking to shoot for at least 80% consistent for the month to really keep up with making progress


Consistency is not solely determined by the number of days you dedicate to your goals, but by the impact those individual days have on your overall progress throughout the weeks, months, and years.

It is important to recognize that enjoying yourself on the weekends is not completely off-limits, as long as you have a solid plan in place or adjust your macro intake accordingly to align with your lifestyle and ensure that you are still able to achieve your desired outcomes.

A strategy I often recommend to my online clients is to plan around a meal out and a few drinks. This way, you can still have a good time while being mindful of your goals.

For example, instead of indulging in numerous drinks, you could limit yourself to just one or two. Similarly, rather than opting for pizza, you can choose a healthier alternative from the menu.

There are various ways to strike a balance between socializing on the weekend and enjoying yourself without jeopardizing the progress you have made thus far.

By being conscious of your choices, you can still have a fulfilling social life without derailing your journey towards your goals.

Issue number 2: “Free Calories”

Many popular diets will tell you certain things don't count, such as only tracking net carbs or excluding certain sauces. However, it's important to realize that over time, not logging everything can lead to a buildup of unnoticed calories.

This lack of accurate data can make it difficult to make necessary adjustments and work towards your goals. Moreover, not logging certain items can have a negative impact on your mindset.

Once you start excluding certain things, it becomes easier to disregard other little extras as well.

It's crucial to remember that even minimal calories or the argument that certain calories, such as those from fiber, aren't absorbed should not be used as an excuse to not log them.

To successfully reach your goals, it's important to log everything from the start.

One common excuse for tracking net carbs is the desire to consume more carbs overall. While tracking net carbs may be essential for certain health concerns, it's important to include fiber when you're trying to lose weight.

When determining your calorie intake and deficit, you assume that you'll be consuming foods with fiber and don't plan for a deficit without it.

By only counting net carbs, you may throw off the numbers and underestimate the carbs you're actually consuming. For example, not counting the carbs in vegetables while adding oils and dressings can significantly impact your intake, especially when these additives are high in fats.

Admittedly, logging everything can be a tedious task.

However, as the saying goes, what gets measured gets managed.

Taking a closer look at the nutritional information on food labels can provide valuable insights.

For instance, if you observe that a serving contains 8g of carbs, but after subtracting fiber and sugar alcohol, you're left with only 1g of carbs, it's important to count the full amount of carbs listed. Consistently subtracting these factors can lead to trouble, as you might end up consuming more calories and exceeding your carb intake without even realizing it. Hence, it's crucial to always count the full amount of carbs displayed on food labels.

Issue number 3: Not logging nibbles, bites and licks

This goes back to logging everything because those small little things add up over the days and weeks.

It's astonishingly effortless to have a few bites of your kids' meals or lick the spoon while preparing a delicious dessert.

These seemingly insignificant actions, though, have a substantial impact on our overall calorie intake. The less aware we are of these mindless snacking habits, the less accountable we hold ourselves.

Consequently, we tend to indulge in them more frequently.

However, by pushing ourselves to log every morsel and crumb, we can disrupt this pattern of thoughtless eating.

Mindless snacking extends beyond just boredom or stress-induced munching.

Picture this scenario: you settle down on the couch with a bag of popcorn or chips, engrossed in a captivating TV show. Before you know it, the whole bag is empty, and you are left unsatisfied and unaware of the caloric consequences.

Sound familiar?

Additionally, stress from various sources like work, family, and relationships often leads us to seek solace in comfort food.

The act of mindlessly consuming our stress and anxiety can accumulate a substantial amount of calories.

However, if we remain blissfully unaware of these actions, it becomes incredibly easy to surpass our daily calorie count.

Focusing on fueling our bodies better is crucial in changing our relationship with food.

It involves being conscious of our tendency to nibble on small things throughout the day. By making a conscious effort to log these indulgences and taking full accountability, we can begin to regain control.

You may be surprised to discover how these seemingly insignificant detours from our regular meals have added up to hundreds of extra calories over the course of a week.

So, let's start being mindful of every bite, snack, and taste. By doing so, we can cultivate healthier eating habits and attain our fitness goals.

issue number 4: not truly measuring

Are you really measuring everything you’re putting in your mouth or do you just eyeball things?

Our portion sizes can easily get distorted by how hungry we are, the size of the full portion served at a restaurant, how much we want it, how stressed or tired we are, so many things impact what looks like a portion to us.

It’s so easy to let emotions lead you to scooping out a little bit of extra peanut butter than you know is right.

Even the size of what you’re adding an ingredient to can impact what you think is a portion size.

For example, a bigger piece of toast can make a serving of peanut butter look pathetic. That’s why, especially as we’re learning the portion size that we need to fuel our needs and goals, we need to measure everything.

Tedious? Frustrating? Boring?


But this is the way you can really learn what proper portions actually look like versus what you’ve been doing. This is the way you can see results as efficiently as possible.

It’s like baking cookies, a little too much or too little of an ingredient can dramatically impact how that cookie tastes.

You wouldn’t just want to wing it and hope that your cookies come out perfectly, no.

You’d weigh and measure everything so they come out exactly how you want it.

This is why you’d want to measure everything you’re eating too.

Results require a recipe, so help yourself know exactly what you need whether you’re using a scale or measuring cups. Make sure to weigh out every ingredient and then log it, saving those dishes as recipes or meals to quickly reuse in the future.

But regardless if you’re eating single ingredient foods or a dish that has multiple ingredients, everything is measured out precisely.

By adhering to these meticulous practices, you can confidently know that you are fueling your body with the correct portions, bringing you closer to your health and fitness goals.

issue number 5: Not entering ingredients

A common excuse for not tracking everything meticulously is that individuals cook from scratch at home.

Although this excuse may seem valid, it is quite ironic because cooking from scratch should actually make tracking easier. When you prepare meals from scratch, you have the opportunity to log and measure every single ingredient accurately.

This means that you know exactly what goes into your meals and can track them accordingly.

For instance, instead of simply selecting a pre-existing lasagna entry in the food tracker, it is better to create your own recipe and log each ingredient separately.

By doing this, you ensure that the nutrition information is tailored to your specific recipe, rather than relying on someone else's potentially different version.

Moreover, manually entering the data yourself not only increases accuracy but also makes it easier to make any necessary adjustments.

When dining out, it's essential to make an effort to find something similar to what you ordered. Sometimes, you may be fortunate enough to find an exact match in the database, while other times, you can check the restaurant's website for nutrition facts and input the information into your food log.

The more precise and meticulous we are in tracking our food intake, as daunting as it may seem at first, the more we can ensure that our efforts align with our goals.

If you’re feeling frustrated when we step on the scale and not seeing the results you want, take a step back and ask yourself have I actually been as precise in the habits I should be doing daily as I think I am?

Reflect on whether or not there’s room for growth and opportunity in addressing some of the issues I mentioned here because often there’s always a little bit more we can be doing to better implement our current plan instead of jumping ship and starting over.

It's essential to consider that progress takes time, and sometimes, we may not see the immediate results we desire. Instead of getting discouraged, it's crucial to evaluate our daily habits and routines.

Are we truly putting in the effort we think we are? Are there any areas where we can be more precise and focused?

By taking a moment to reflect, we can identify areas for growth and improvement.

Perhaps we need to adjust our nutrition plan or be more consistent with our exercise routine.

Maybe we need to prioritize quality sleep or manage stress levels more effectively.

There are always opportunities to fine-tune our approach and enhance our results.

Rather than giving up and starting over from scratch, let's embrace the potential for growth within our current plan. Small adjustments can yield significant results.

It may be a matter of increasing the intensity of our workouts, adding more variety to our meal choices, or seeking guidance from a fitness professional.

Remember, achieving our goals requires patience and perseverance. Rome wasn't built in a day, and our journey towards a healthier lifestyle won't happen overnight either.

Let's stay committed, make those small yet impactful changes, and trust that our efforts will pay off in the long run.