Gym life post quarantine

So the gym is opening back up, How do I get started

So what happens when the unpredictable happens and life as you knew it got turned on it’s head. Well one of two things may have happen here, 1: you decided to panic and give up all good habits or 2: you adjusted, kept pushing forward, and developed a new set of good behaviors to keep striving towards your goals. As a trainer and fellow gym goer I noticed during these past 4 months people decided to either do nothing in regards to exercise and maybe nutrition while others purchased any equipment they could get their hands on or became creative and did body weight workouts. Some even got crazy and found house hold items to create some sort of resistance. But for most people nothing they did at home is going to replace the gym.

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I myself was lucky enough to workout at one of my facilities this whole time but for others this means 4 months ago when we were being consistent, we had a routine, nutrition was on point and whatever else was “normal” then you have to take inconsideration that we are a different lifter and a different person than we were before Covid happened. So what does this all mean and why are you reading this? Simply to make sure you come back in a safe manner so you don’t put yourself on the shelf with an injury because we got too excited that the gym is open and we can grab that sweet steel bar in our hands.


The “New Normal”

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So things to consider when coming back to the gym. For starters nothing will be the same anymore and by this I’m talking about all the new rules as life returns to the “new normal”. Take the time to learn all the new rules and policies for your gym so you can plan accordingly. Make sure to clean all equipment before and after you use it. Check policies about wearing a mask but at least make sure you keep your distance from others while you are working out. Most importantly don’t forget to clean up after yourself when you finish with a piece of equipment. You want to be able to come back and enjoy the gym, you’ll need to make sure you’re doing your part by helping keep it clean for everyone. You’re strong enough to use it make sure you put it back, plus it burns more calories.

Now in terms of working out, like I said you’re not the same lifter you were 4 months ago. The first week you come back take the time to familiarize yourself with equipment you haven’t been using. It will be just like riding a bike but you never know how some things might feel so keep it light to medium for intensity and focus on form/technique during exercise. This will give you the opportunity to really focus on engaging the muscle you’re trying to focus on. Coming back the first week I know everyone is going to be excited wanting to pick right back up where they left off, lift super heavy, or goto the gym every day. Keep in mind (even if you’ve been doing stuff at home) it’s going to be like starting over. You will probably be sore the first week, strength has probably gone done, body parts might be tighter, form might have deviated, endurance has lowered, maybe food and sleep have even changed which can definitely impact your performance in the gym.

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Take it slow when you come back in. Don’t go crazy trying to lift heavy and everything in the gym. Keep volume low, intensity low - medium for the first few weeks to let your body easy into things. Make sure to do your soft tissue release, mobility and proper movement prep before going to exercise to make sure you are warmed up properly. Try to easy into things with maybe 3-4 days of lifting and doing some sort of split so you don’t tax your body too much coming back. See how your body does the first two weeks and then access where to move, then access a month into things and from there come up with a new program that will guide you appropriately towards your goals.

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The most important thing to keep in mind is managing your stress levels. I know from talking with people who are working at home, that work has turned into longer days and all week. You’re sitting for longer periods at a time, you might be watching your kids, having to tend to your pets, constant meetings and not to mention access to a full kitchen with maybe some alcohol near by. It’s not surprise that for some people stress has increased, physical activity has decreased, eating habits might have slipped, alcohol consumption might have increase and our sleep cycle is all over the place. All of these things impact your results so let’s make sure we get back into a routine and stay consistent. Now that we have some more freedom and things are opening up (aka not working and walking over 5ft to go workout, yes super demotivating) hopefully people’s mental states will be better and you’re becoming motivated to either keep the change you developed during this time or maybe getting back on track. It’s okay if you slipped during this time, it was weird for everyone. But the important thing is even if you have fallen off course it’s never to late to turn things around. So start by cleaning up the nutrition, limiting take out and the booze, having a set sleep cycle, maybe even try to have set days and time to goto the gym, and find a way to manage your stress (yoga, meditation, even a walk) so that you can create good habits again. Remember the big picture here that as much as we love the gym all these other things are going to impact your recover and results.

And if you’re really unsure of where to start or maybe need to undo the damage from quarantine get yourself a personal trainer. There is definitely no better time to hire one then right now. Having a trainer will get you motivated, accountable, consistent not to mention someone who can develop a plan for your needs/goals while making sure you perform movements safely. Of course this is just one option but you won’t be mad about investing in your health and happiness.

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Movement prep before working out


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