
I have been working out for 15 years, mostly resistance training. I didn’t think I needed “help” and was kind of set in my ways until I met Tyler. We chatted briefly and I told him about what I was currently doing, how I felt I had kind of hit a plateau, and about some goals I had. He was so understanding and extremely knowledgeable. I decided to work with him and it was the BEST decision I could’ve made. He pushes me past what I thought were my “limits”, he motivates me, and has taught me SO much. I’ve crushed my goals with him and now they are even more evolved, and I’m confident we will get there. I’m so excited to see what the future holds for us as a Team! I trust Tyler as my trainer and now as a great friend. I recommend him to any and everyone. Pics are from right before working with Tyler and not long after working with him and increasing my daily macros by A WHOLE LOT. So much stronger, leaner!!
— Brianna
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Tyler is an incredible coach and trainer. I started working with him 3 years ago and in that time I have worked through losing over 60lbs. I’ve kept that weight off working with him and have also accomplished some exciting strength goals like being able to deadlift 225lbs. He has taught me so much about a functional approach to fitness while also encouraging me to push myself to be stronger than I ever thought possible.

Working with Tyler gives you access to someone who genuinely loves learning and who wants you to love fitness. He has programmed me so specific to my goals for the last 3 years. When your life is hectic he gives you shorter feel good programs just so you get in the door. When your goals are to crush your PRs he programs you bust your ass power building AND mobility work to make sure your body feels good while you go. He listens to you and also gives insight when he has experience with something and that’s why training with him is one of the best partnerships you can get into.

He is an accomplished athlete in a wide array of sports so you can come to him having never been in the weight room before or being an established competitor. You’re going to get the same meticulous approach scaled to your level. He also is really good at helping rehab people through ailments or programming around them while you heal. He has taught me time and again that there are ways to show up and also honor what your body needs.

At the end of the day, Tyler works hard for you. When he told me he was calling his program “No limits Strength and conditioning” I couldn’t agree with the name more. That’s because if you can put your mind to it and train hard there is no limit to what you can do with him. I know this because I haven’t found my own limits with him yet.
— Emily

Before I met Tyler for a free consultation, I thought there was maybe a 20% chance I would commit to personal training for the long term. After I met with him, I came away surprised—he’s not pushy, he listens to your needs, helps you determine your goals even if you don’t know exactly how to articulate them, and explains what he can do for you in an approachable way. I had dealt with some low back discomfort, and he was confident he could help. At this point, I was 100% invested.

When training started, I was ready to get huge. I envisioned massive weights and vein-popping feats of strength. What I wasn’t prepared for is how systematically Tyler prepares you to excel in the months ahead, and how smart he is about approaching workouts. Suddenly the name of the game was mobility: dynamic stretching, using bands to loosen your muscles, foam-rolling, and using balls for myofascial release to pinpoint those sore spots. My pre-Tyler era warmup consisted of mindless running on the treadmill—no longer, and the results astounded me. He customized a lifting battle plan geared to my specific needs, alternating focus on speed, strength and power; when he felt I was ready, I got to tackle compound movements including dead lifts, squats and the push press. He gave me tangible goals, and I responded with tangible victories. When I earned my first PR (personal record) by beating a previous weight, it felt like a concrete measurement of the success Tyler had pushed me to achieve. He filmed one of these PR milestones on his smartphone, and when I played it back to hear his roar of approval as the weight went up, it felt like the satisfying pinnacle of all my preparation and effort.

I lost weight, gained muscle, added flexibility I didn’t know I had, and felt like a happier, more energized person. This also meant taking care of myself, eating more vegetables, understanding how best to incorporate protein and carbs in my diet, getting more creative about how I lined up meals during the day to bolster performance during workouts, staying limber at home and in the office by keeping up the mobility exercises, and breathing properly during exercises to tap into maximum explosiveness.

My body looks and feels transformed, my back pain is gone, I feel less vulnerable to injury, and I can trace the positive effects of the exercises on functional movements as simple as loading the dishwasher. It’s nice to get compliments from friends and family about my physique, but Tyler has taught me this isn’t about mirror or beach pride, and it’s not about shortcuts. It’s about working hard for physical, emotional, and spiritual gain, as the gift of working with Tyler follows you in every facet of your life. Who doesn’t want to be the happiest, most resilient version of themselves?

Whether you want to lose weight, get shredded, add mass, get in shape for a particular event, or just aspire to become the best physical specimen of yourself, Tyler is the guy you want in your corner. He has the swagger, the patience, the knowledge, and the passion to deliver on the expectations of your potential.
— Aaron

When I first met Tyler, I was living in near-constant pain, with three damaged disks in my lower back. My doctors said that a stronger core was key to long-term recovery but it seemed, at the time, an impossible task. At the time, the most I could manage without pain was a modest glute bridge.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that my two years working with Tyler have changed my life. I’ve shed over 30lbs, have nearly erased my back pain, and am in the best shape of my life. Recently, we even switched gears to focus on lifting heavier to build muscle mass – a notion that would have seemed crazy for the “me” of two years ago.

I’ve worked with several personal trainers over the years, so I can say that there are several things that make Tyler stand out from the crowd:

– He really knows his stuff.Tyler’s philosophy is about more than just lifting dumbbells and machines – he also incorporates functional training, cardio, mobility, and nutrition. This range of different challenges has helped me learn a lot about how my own body works – and I’ve never been bored!

– He goes above and beyond to find a routine that works for you.I’ve had to travel a lot during our time together, and Tyler’s written me great workouts based on pictures of faraway gyms to make sure I stay on track.

– He is personally invested in the success of his clients.He’ll push you like a coach, lift you like a brother, and nag you like your mother to keep you on track. It’s been a tough journey, but I’ve never felt alone!

Working with Tyler will be an awesome investment in yourself – one that I’m more than happy to recommend!
— Christian

I had been interested in strength training for several years but never really hit my stride until I began working with Tyler. His thoughtful programming has really pushed me to the next level and within just a few months had me pushing weight I never thought possible. He really goes the extra mile, not just fine tuning my program but also taking extra time to address my nutrition and mobility, ensuring I can always perform at my best. I would highly recommend Tyler to anyone interested in finding out what they’re capable of — you will not be disappointed
— Patricia

I started with tyler after having my right thumb reconstructed. I was struggling with pretty much everything and he certainly turned that around! I have trained with many over the years and i can tell you he is one of the best i have ever met. He checks in, his programming is dead on and he cares. To think that in February i couldn’t hold anything and today i have gained all my muscle back. Make one of the best decisions of your life and sign up with him , you won’t regret it. I look forward to this year and pushing myself , there are no limits!”
— Donna

At our first meeting In January 2019 Tyler asked me, “What are your fitness goals?”“… Oh, um, I want to get stronger?” was my reply.

In my heart I knew strength was my goal, but until meeting Tyler I had a hard time putting a name to it and taking action. My wedding was coming up in October of 2019 and I figured one benefit of fitness training would be to look my best for that event. I’m happy with the way I looked, but much more importantly I am ecstatic about the way that I feel. Despite having a desk job, I now have no back pain, no stress knots, higher confidence, better posture, and best of all, more energy.

Tyler has taken care of everything in helping me grow my strength from the ground up.- Eating appropriately, stretching and mobility, working around injuries, correcting form, and motivation are some of the aspects of fitness he has helped me with.- He is patient, energetic but meets you at your level, fun, extremely knowledgeable, practical, and overall super easy to work with.If you have a chance to work with Tyler, do it!!!
— Jess

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